Hey guys! We’re deep into Thanksgiving preparations over here @ Kale & Compass (cooking so many tasty things!), but I can’t completely blame that on my lack of posts lately. I can, however, blame Dragon Quest Builders. I’m sorry. So not sorry. It’s SUCH A GOOD game. It’s got all the awesome 3D crafting and building aspects of Minecraft, but with more structured storylines and objectives. Bottom line: it’s addictive and so so fun! Check it out.
More to the point of this post, Lake 22:
Nick and I did manage to separate ourselves from the PS4 for just a short time in October to finally, FINALLY head out to North Cascades National Park. It’s a bit further out than we normally venture for day hikes etc. but we booked an Airbnb in Bellingham, WA for Columbus day weekend and Lake 22 Trail was midway between home and there. So we went. And we hiked.
It was almost perfect timing because the North Cascades is beautiful in the fall, with the foliage and the trees and… well, you get the picture. Unfortunately, the day we went was pretty rainy and foggy and flooded in some parts. Despite all that, the atmosphere made for a ridiculously photogenic hike and the lake was more breathtaking in person than I can even show you through photos. Add this to your must-do list if you’re ever out this way. It’s really, really so worth it.
Before I jump into photos from the hike, I wanted to recap some of the very important things that happened in October 2016 and let you know that more recipes and photos are on their way. Promise. Pinky swear.
- We visited a tiny house in Bellingham, WA + checked out Aslan Brewery for some tasty food & brews.
- We picked all the apples in Bellingham (….more on that to come! + A tasty apple muffin recipe, too!)
- Hiked Lake 22 Trail in the North Cascades (see photos below)
- I’ve got another delish recipe featuring my new favorite squash, Red Kuri. (Recipe coming soon!)
Happy Thanksgiving, all! Hope you’re all sharing a delicious home-cooked meal and some much-needed relaxation with someone you love.